Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/462

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BOHEMIA 446 repeated in a still more threatening form, ^l^?-;^ *^f ,f J^ liffite views had obstinate defenders; as, mdeed, is to be seen bj

tract of Thomas of Stitny, written in 1400^ ^S's ^orks t-

a series of fortv-five articles extracted from Wicklifl s works was orSy condemned by the university. Around these the ba t^ raffed with furv; the condemnation was repeated m l^O»- ^^d "'^ ufo ATchbishop'zbinco solemnly burned in the ^^^'^^^^^Z «alace two hundred of the forbidden books, while the populace retnged ttself by singing through the streets rude rhymes, in wh Sfthe prelate is said to have burned books which he cou d It read; for his ignorance was notorious, and he was reported to have first acquired the alphabet after his elevation. In the strife between rival popes it suited the policy of King Wen^eslas, in 1408, to maintain neutrality, an^ "-d^^^^ university to send envoys to the cardmals -l-^^^^^^'^™ allPffiance to both Benedict XIII. and Gregory XII. In this ims SfwTe included Stephen Palecz and Stanislas of Zn.^,^^^^^^ ^e whole party fell, in Bologna, l^^o^l^^^;l^:^:^:^T^t papal legate (afterwards John ^^^^^^^^ ^^^,^ ,g,,, ,, secure prison as suspect of heresy, and it reqmrea no their release This adventure cooled the zeal of Stephen ana btan irthey gradually changed sides, and from the warmest friends of Huss Sey became, as we shaU see, his most dangerous and im- ^nftliirafrl university had not seconcl^d the w^^^^^^^^^^ king with the alacrity which he had expected, and Hu.. took tdvLtage of the royal displeasure to ^^S-* ^ Jf ^^^X Tn^J institution which had hitherto proved the chief obstacle m the roffress o Tef orm. It was divided, in the ordinary manner into foT" nalns." As each of these nations had a -te the B^^^ mians constantly fovmd^hemsdve^oi^^ by the foreign t r,n ■^ -ifi -Bero-er Johannes Hus u. Konig Sigmund, . Palacky Docunaenta, pp. ^' 5«^^;;-_V ^^^_,,^^ 3,o.-Hofler, Prager Con- p ..-Loserth^op^cn. pp. 2^ _8-M ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ,^, cihen, pp. 43-6, 51-d, 0/, ou, oi ^. „„fhnritv of the Hussites. A Wilkliff continued to the end to be t'^-'jf -*jf^;' ^^ ,,ey were half a century later he is appealed to by ^«* f '""' ^ Q^.uen und Unter- divided. See Peter Chelcicky's reply to Rokyzana, n Goll Quellen suchungen zur Geschichte der Bohmischen Bruder, n. «S-*- t Loserth, pp. 105-6. -Palacky Documenta, pp. 345-6, 363 4.