Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/464

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BOHEMIA. 448 hIs interposed .n Ms favo. ^^^Z ll'^cTt through Ms -^-tVorOnrome— ^^^ had already sworn by God. "^^ »" ^^^,^^ to Waldensian Huss at Constance -- *; *X ^f- about to depart on his and other heretics ; and yet, ^ ben he ^,^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ fateful Journey to Constance ^he pap^ mq ^ ^^^^^.^^ of Nazareth, gave him formal certih^a ^ ^^^ had act, to the effect that be bad lo'^gJ^'^;" '^j^^",^^ that no one bad „e;er heard an heretical ^-^l^fl^'lH^^l The Hussite and ever accused bim of beresy ^fl^'^'^^^^,,, Huss not to sym- Waldensian movements were too neaily akm patbize with the -knowledgedj^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .^^^^^^^^ ^^^, ual anarchy of these tumultuous y^^-J '^ ^^^-^^ ,,,,t have have made itself ^^-^t^r'telve; ever more openly * been emboldened to show ^^^^^'^'^l^^^X the progress of the Everytbing thus ^«^^J. "^ the mos part, confined revolution. Huss, who bad ^^ b^'"^^^^^^^^ establishment, be- himself to assaults upon '^^^^^^l^^^,^^,,^ and in the writings <.an to direct bis attacks at the P^P^^y '^ ' ^^^-^^ he used with ^f Wickbff be found ample store of argument^, . ^^^^^^^^ great effect. He also made use o* -other « ^^^^,^^^^ ^^^^ by the employment of ^^^"^ ^r the Bobemians were iapted to accomplish the object m -«- , .^^ ,^^ givm to listening to sermons, ^"J J^^/ opportunity tvbicb the negligence of the estabbshed derg^ « P^^^ ^^^ had been a frequent source of «'^^£^j;'^ ; ^effectiveness ; the pop- repetition of the prohibitions ^^ows the^ me ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ulL craving for spiritual ^-f-'^^^^^^^^ to the agitators ; the turned to such good --^^' I^^tm t pite of priestly anathe- people flocked in crowds ^o hear them P ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^.ts, Ls, and the great mass of the nation ^ ^ ^^pp^^^ eagerly adopted the new doctrines, and we p . them to the deatb.t t„ n,i mien rupture with Eome. Matters were rapidlytendmgto^nj^p^ "^ «. T oserth op. cit. p. 137.-Palacky Docu- ""-^.T5Sr3-Sc;"e«e;,;p.lO-.0._.o.HusMo„— ^ menta, pp. 184-5, 6^4> o. ^ -»• ., . on 133-4 -Hofler, Prager ConciUen, pp. 5, 15, lb, , t Loserth, op. cit. pp. 130, 13d 4. I. 2-3. tl 32, 46, 57