Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/466

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BOHEMIA. 450 A f<.w rlavs after the disputation a crowd led bj ok oi A few days alter t J -^ ^^„ied the papal bulls Waldstein, a favorite of lung W encesw , of indulgence to the piUory and P-^l^ J^™^ ^ding part in known legend attributes to Jerome -^J^^f^^J^^^ f J^ ,, , this, and relates that the Mlls^-^^^^^ -und^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^, strumpet mounted on a "^^^!! J*^^ j^^^^^t ^^s inflicted on the ^^*? ^ttTL'Sonf WaMsS trnLued to enpy the royal participants --^^fj^^^ ,.,3 complete, and the temper of r eoje Itfshown on ^^(^^ZT^^^^^^- rupted the Feache^s pr J ^^^ ^^^^^^^ .^ ^p^,^ ^f them to be a lie. ^^^ J^ imprisoned, and some were "^'r^Z:^' Ten the;:;" assLed a'threatening as- T"th tir e "ho hadbeen Executed were reverenced as mar- pect; the three wno ^isoners were released. Soon tyrs; tumults occurred and the puso ^^^^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^^^^^ afterwards a Cannehte was begging „;th the indulgences with an aiw of relics displayed upc^^^^^^^^^^ g^ ^.^_ "TlU^ssrol: d te :?ai;r: Sud and L^^. over the ciple of Huss denounce .^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^.^ table, and when he ^^'a^^^^^^^s^^^^ , without bloodshed.f broke into the house and released mm T v,„ YYTTT could not avoid taking up the gage John XXILI. couiQ appealed to him pite- thus thrown down. ^}^l^^^^ ^^ JJh [hey were subjected, ously, representing the 0PP/e««^"^ ^ .^ -^He promptly re- and stating that many of them had been slam. P ^ .^^ J /1 TViP maior excommunication, to be puDiibuiAi sponded. Tbe major ex ^^^^^^^.^a against Huss; the awful solemnity m ^'^^S^* jj! ^ ^^.^ ,,,ith the earth; his Bethlehem chapel was ordered to be le%euec ■,^i o fin Palackv Documenta, pp. 19-21, 191. 2^^~ .Loserth, op. citpp^ 121-3, 130 -Maclcj ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^_ Mladenowic Relatio (Palacky p. -!«)■ ^^- " j„^^^, (i^. 1.189-91); Ejusd. (Monument. 1. 174-89); Ejusd. contra Bull PP. Joa Se..n>. XXII. de Bemissione ^^^^^^^^^^^^^;:,,,,_^, Schweinit. Hist, t Loserth, op. c,t. p. ^^^--ff^'g ■ c^tus. Antihussus c. 5 (Pcz Thesaur. of the Unitas Fratrum, pp. 41-3.-btepiiani u Anecd. IV. n. 380, 382).