Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/476

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BOHEMIA. 460 .e tortuous and thorny ^^^^ ^'^::lZ^t'^:'Z^. of disturbance and turbulence. « was ar ^^^^^ ^o ^^. once, to anticipate bis ^"-1^«^^^ *'^^^'^"^^^^^^^^^ Micbael cused of beresy ^^^^^^f^l^'^^^Zl^^^ and pr.ests whom Huss naa lou^nij , innnisitorial process the nxaterial for bis indict^nent, -f^'^Jl'^^'^^^ Lt escape, first step was to make sure that the~ed bourn P^^ Even bad the case been one m whicb ^^'1 couM be ta , ^^^ '1 -rblt^^edin'dtrtetio^^^^ amount would be turmsnea dm ^ . ' „.tion for contumacj^ be would bave ^^^f^'ZZ:^:ZTXZrl.Xs.±enL S-^-S^^7:,rtoCreS bu t^ execution of the design resolve was taken to arrest um , _ ^„„ifestation of irresolu- .vas either inexcusably xnsubous, or ^"^'ff; %^ j,,,,,,ber tion which reached its '^-f-'^'^.^^'^^^lfZi to Huss's lodg- 28 the cardinals, in consistory the P<^P«' ««^^ ^^ ^^e ings the Bishops of Augsburg and T-" ^"th Henr^^^^^^ ^ ^^ burgomaster o Constance « ^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ defend his faith, ibe envoys summons was a viola- both he and John <^^?^^^^ZTStX^^^^^^ to go, although tion of the safe-conduct he ™™«^ ^'^ ^ 1 in the council, he said be had come to ^^^-^^^^^^^'ZlZI^ that he could and not secretly before the cardinals, a ^^^^^^ not be imprisoned because he had a ^ff^^^' ^ ^^^ ^^ ^be and some friends accompanied him ^o the Palace occ 1 pope. When the cardinals old him he --^ ---- ^.^ ^,^^ ,, Ling many heresies, li:^^^fJ^:^:Z^,,,riij to Constance, convicted of a smgle one , he had ««^*;'; '^ To this and if he was found in error he ^--;^/^^f^^ exam- the cardinals said, " ^o- ^^^^ "^ ^J f ^^^^^^ to embroil ination was had, but J°l^' ^^"^"l ™' to ask Jobn of Chlum the council with Sigismund, took °— J^ ^f ^j^^l, Chlum re- ■ whether Huss had an imperial «afe-con^^^^^^^^ w plied, "Holy father, you ^^^J *" ^^ ;,er but none of the Lked the q-tion-d recced tb-^^^^^ a^sw^r,^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ cardinals requested to see the d^™".^ " J :^ j^j,,, of Chlum. sion was over, guards were Pl'^«<^^<^^'^,;^;^;/;;ile the cardinals The weary afternoon wore away m suspense, wmie