Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/478

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462 BOHEMIA. This question as to the safe-conduct and its violation has been the lb eNofso warm a discussion, and it illustrates so completely a lie of the relations between the Church and heretics, that its brief consideration here is not out of place. „^^:„,^^ The imperial safe-conduct issued to Huss was m *e «dmary form wi bout limitation or condition. It was addressed to all the inc'e and subjects of the empire, ecclesiastical and secular, and r all nobles and magistrates and officials, informing them that Hnt^vas aLn into the protection of the king and of the empire, fnd order nttha" he be'permitted to pass, remain, and return

ltl;ediment and that all ^^^ ^I^^JZZ

- --r TLdThe ^^z:^n:^^^^£^- T^T^rtZi depiTfrom Prague, and its reaching doors on December lo, pro j ^^^ heard from, and again on the 24th when ^e king ^^^^ stance and was to arnve the n- ^^^J^^ ^Zaie-.on.uct to TTn<i«i had come under the impericu piutc^u , . ^ -.i TV,of fnslr in public audience all who might question h>s faith. That rrrence of «i.— ' -^^-^jrh^d W Cnlnf; prison. That the impe ^^ ^l^^^l^ la^my make rr::tn mtnirgrSf L mdignatlon at this violation of the ^-^setL that t- - -tlTrntNoC? -S signedly insufficient ^^^^ f J^^^ " i^of modern times if it

CSb arct^e^_^a^^ of it then is sutfi-

. BOO— ::;ii^;^^;^^ nik p. 76.-JO. Hus Epist.lvii. (Monument. I.75).-Mlaaenow p. 353).