Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/484

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BOHEMIA. 4:DO and that the man accused of heresy by ^-^^^^^^^^^^ZZ to be treated as a heretic nntil he could clear ^^^^^^'l^^Z «"Lmuud hesitate about putting it iu force in this case, .^hen Sigi™d complained that he was dishonored by the ^^YZTtt^ot the canonists of the council promptly assured 1"-' ^ *^;^~ . contemporarv orthodox burgher of Constance, that it couW not and m ght not'be in any law that a heretic could enjoy a safe-con- ruct," :nd though this was prejudging f « -se ^ ^;;Xstt cust;mary that was in all inquisitorial tria s. ^^ese wo^^^'^^^ mund himself virtuaUy repeated m his address to H^^^;'^ ^^^^^^ In of June 7- "Many sav that we cannot, under the law, pro- ect a heretL or one suspect of heresy." When Huss's execution arledThe wildest indignation throughout Bohemia expressed to r council in missives of scant courtesy, the council asserted its 'sitTonS^a decree formally adopted September 23 1415, that no af - oXt from any secular potentate -uM woj^ P^d- ^^ even though, if trusting to the safe-conduct, he had come to the Xe of fudgment and would not have come withou it. So SorouSily dll the council cause this to be recogmzed that, in 14o2 L^he lonvention of Eger, stipulating the bases o ^^^^^^^^ fhp Hussites and the Council of Basle, it was expressly Zl that no canonsor decretals should be alleged to derogate, •rngro-rithe safe-conducts under which the Bohemian en- voys were to appear^>efor^tliewui^^ berger ann. 1415. -Martene Ampl. «°»^';I^^V<fis Ed. Paris. 1699. T. VIII. justification of the decree of September 23 (Hist. Eccles. ba. ^•Ti;custo.a...witU modern ^^-^^f^Z^^:^:^:! calnmny the assertion that the Ct^-f ^^^^*;" ^L CoHege of Ant- kept with heretics. See, for ^-tance V-u Ranst, K ^ werp,in his " Historia Haeretrcorum" (4th Ed W ' i^,,,e already al- ,ithis ingenious endeavor to arg^^^ luded to this subject ( ol. I. p. 228 , and ^^^ve ^^ ^^^