Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/490

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BOHEMIA. 474 sertin. the vitiation of the sacraments in the hands of -nf- Pn^^ts and df nying the power of the keys under the same condition , of hi?ng tiat the Ctoch^shouldjiav^n^ possessions, of demnedld exterminli^I^^^^^^^^i^T^^^^^b^^i^^ heresy^ and Rome, for "'Ttt IrlvCird (Cyprian, de Lapsis c. 25), and St. Innocent I. and r::mLtor;;^ withdrawal of the cup from the la>ty ^^'^'^^t ll^nsMio commit sacrilege from infants who were liable a any ^^J^^^, ,,, E„eharist the ,„e the fathers of Basle inhmte t-»^';^^^^-^ /it is well defined by the Tlt^fl urnrfei'Se crnSl ofLsle in Prague, who was horror- °f Coutance , le„ administered communion to a number stricken when, ^P"' ;^' '"' . ",^^f ^,,, „,fer from its mouth, forcing Rokyzana of infants,and one of th m yected he ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ quietly to replac it. T "S mcid ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ p^.^^^^^^ vincing argument, and the t"™^;"/'"' j„ de Turonis Regestrum ; Mon- was the terror whichit was expect d to rea^(o^ ^^^^^.^ ^^ J^^^^_^^^ ^^ ^^^ ument. Cone. Gen. S^c. XV. T. ^- P; ««^) ^„i^^,„ ^i3 beard he ought gravely argued that ^^ ^ ^^^;" f ^^/J ^^ "„. 369). Gerson was not quite so to be burned with his ^<"^^^';^J;^'^^;:Z.c^. . asons as the e.pensiveness absurd, but he did not sh ink '^^"^ ^'^^" ^^ ,391 ^Uen John Malkaw, of wine and its ^^l^^ZS'^J^X hotly de'clared that he would z^::!:^:::^^ .-- '^ -rr :s:r ^:r ttTe


Zeitsohrift fiir Kirchengeschichte, 1883, pp. f^'^'^ reverence for the ele- I„ older times the Church bad felt no such '-^Se<^^^^r^27 the refugee ments. In 646 Pope Theodore, when he «-^-""J^f,^^^^^^" '^^Hh Ae Patriarch of Constantinople, mingled consecrated wne J^Jf J"/^„^^^„^.„„. ink with which he signed the sentence ; and in 869 the Coun ^^^ . pie adopted the same device in condemning Photius. Clir. Lup Sexta Synodo c. v. (Opp^ m 35> ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^i^^f^, As a matter of course the vilest stories we with abhorrence for the Bohemian innovations " ^^ ^^ * ^.^*^ .^ ,,„„s, consecrated in bottles and barrels; that the sectaries he d c"'" ^ '«^^^ ' where they would partake of it to intoxication and *- -"^-^^^^^.^^^. sexual abominations (Laur. Byzyn. Diar. Bell. Huss.t. , Lndew.g VI.