Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/567

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CAPTURE OP CONSTANTINOPLE. 55]^ against Bohemia, however, were frustrated by the capture of Constantinople in May, 1453. The immense impression which this produced throughout Christendom, the universal alarm at the progress of the Turk, and the necessity of defending Europe agamst his approach, speedUy threw into the shade all minor questions. A new crusade was imperatively wanted, but it could not be wasted upon Bohemia and the Utraquists During the summer of 1458, as we have seen, Capistrano was tranquilly employing his enforced leisure in burning Jews at Breslau. Thence he went to Poland, where we find him at Cra- cow throwing into prison a physician, Master Paul, whom he sus- pec ed of being an emissary of Eokyzana. He applied again to Podiebrad for a safe-conduct to Prague, which was curtlv refused on the ground that when it had been previously oflfered it had not been accepted, and that Ladislas did not want the peace of his kingdom disturbed. He left Cracow May 15, 1454, for Bres- ku and OlmiitE, whence he still hoped to accompHsh something w thm the charmed circle of Bohemia, into which he had not been allowed to penetrate. Eokyzana at this time was inspired with hopes that the terror of the Turk and the need for Christian unity would enable him to realize his dream of the archbishopric made the large concessions alluded to above on many of the points of dissidence, and used every effort with the emperor to procure through him the papal confirmation. A letter from Ladis- las o June 13, to the Bishop of Olmiitz, asking him to restrain Capistrano from using such violent terms in denouncing Bohe- ZZX^' """' ^^*"'"^ '"° ^^'"^ ^^^"^ g^^'"' ^^« «^^^dently a move m the same game. Yet even the paramount interests of Christendom could not win for Eokyzana the coveted confirma- tion, although those interests soon diverted Capistrano's fiery energies from the heretic to the infidel * ^ date^d Julv 2? 1«TT?,* v * "' ^"^'^ '^'^""^ *" Capistrano, dated July 26, 1454, teUs him to give up the dream of gettino- to Prague and go to Frankfort, where he will be useful. An astern biy of princes had been held in Eatisbon, where a crusade Td

  • Wadding, ann. 1453, No. 9-10; ann. 1354 No 12 IS 17 iq nu

nel. Zantfliet(Martene Ampl. Coll V 486 7^ ^En^v,"^ 'p^ ^^'^ p. 947). 4«b-7).— ^n. Sylvii Epist. 404 (Ed. 1571,