Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/588

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572 APPENDIX. Cordue super certis articulis seu dependentibus ab eisdem diligenter inquireretur et nonnulla etiam ordinarent ; qui auctoritate litterarum hujusmodi quadam cura dictum officium ordinasse noscuntur. Quia vero nostre intentionis non extitit nee existit ut occasione dicte commissiouis seu alicujus mandati nostri super hiis Cardinalibus ipsis facti, Inquisitoribus pravitatis predicte inquirendi vel con- junctiin vel divisim cum episcopo seu episcopis ordinariis, aut sine ipsis, prout eis licet secundum canonicas sauctiones facultas aliquatenus restringatur ; Nos ordinationem per quam dicti Cardinales facultatem inquirendi per se divisim in- quisitoribus ipsis restrinxisse dicuntur utpote intentioni nostre et juri contrariam^ juribus carere decernimus et nullatenus observandam, ordinatione ipsonim Car- dinalium circa ceteros alios articulos in omnibus et per omnia ia sue robore du- ratura. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat banc paginam nostre constitutionis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hec attemptare pre- sumpserit, indignationem omnipot. Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum ejus se noverit incursurum. Datum Pictavis, secundo Idus Augusti, Pontificatus nostri anno tertio. (12 Aug. 1308.) Y. Brief of Clement V. Concerning the Prisoners of Albi.* (Doat, XXXIV. fol. 89.) Venerabili fratri Geraldo episcopo Albiensi et dilectis filiis inquisitoribus beretice pravitatis in partibus Albiensibus. Dudum venerabili fratri nostro Ber- trando tunc episcopo Albiensi et inquisitoribus dictis nostros direximus litteras in hec verba : . • Haur^au (Bernard D^licieux, p. 194) prints the bull of 1210 (Doat, XXXII. fol. 60), contained in the above, but has apparently overlooked the subsequent and far more sig- nificant one. The earlier bull also appears in T. V. p. 40, of the Regestum dementis PP. V. just issued in Rome. In the same publication, received too late for reference to be made in the proper place (see above, p. 78), there are several letters throwing light on the troubles of Bernard de Castanet, Bisliop of Albi. In 1307 two of his cathedral canons, Sicard Aleman and Ber- nard Astruc, accused him before the pope of numerous crimes. Berenger, Cardinal of SS. Nereo and Achilla, to whom the matter was referred, after examining the articles of accusation, suspended him from all his functions during an investigation. " Executors " were ordered to proceed to Albi to take testimony, giving three months to the prosecu- tion, then two to the defence, and finally two more 'to the prosecution in rebuttal. A vicar-general was appointed, July 31, to take charge of the see, and three procurators to collect its revenues. One of the " executors " was Arnaud Novelli, Abbot of Fontfroide, whom we have seen (p. 87) replacing, by order of Philipe le Bel, the bishop in his inquisi- torial capacity. Arnaud was soon afterwards appointed vice-chancellor of the curia ; this, with other impediments, delayed the investigation, and on November 20 two additional months were granted to the prosecution. Nothing apparently came of the trial except that it probably quickened Bernard*s desire to abandon his thorny seat. There is a papal brief of October 31, 1308, addressed to Bertrand de Bordes as Bishop of Albi, in which Ber- nard is alluded to as late of Albi and now of Puy (Ibid. T. II. pp. 52, 165 ; T. III. pp. 3, 255).