Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/84

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LANGUEDOC. 68 seen the bishops of Albi,by a special transaction ^yith St. Louis seen, the u i ^ ti^ng. Prior to his elevation m 1276 STrdlad bel aXfo^ the papal camera, which shows him Shave been an accomplished legist, and he was a^so a patron of art and literature, but he was ever in trouble -f his peo^. A^ ready in 1277, he had succeeded in so exasperatmg them that his

^eZL s^ept by a howUng mob, and he Wy-XJ -*^^

bis life In 12S2 he commenced the erection of the cathedral oi St Cecma a d-antic building, half church, half fortress, which silted enfrmous sums, and stimulated h. hatred of heresy by suTOlvinff a pious use for the estates of heretics. ^,, .,. „„ To such men the protection granted to his subjects by Philippe was most dilsteful, and not without reason. Heretics naturaUy Tok'Svantage of the restrictions imposed on f^^^.^^'^-^^ redoubled their activity. It might seem, -deed^o^hem tt^^^^^^^^^ d.v of supremacy of the Church was past, and that the rising m ependeNof tL secular power might usher in an era of com- Sluve toleration in which their persecuted religion wouM at en™ h find its oft-deferred opportunity of converting mankmd- a df arn'n vhich they indulged to the last. More demonstrative if not mo" earnest, was the f eeUng which the royal Pol-y — d n Car^ssonne. The Ordonnances had not only crippled the In- Z but had shown the disfavor with which it was regarded r Iw and inT295 some of the leading citizens, who had r ef compSmled in the trials of 1285, found no difficulty m r siTt^^ople to open ^es^nc. Jo hile^th^ .n-

TL"^:£^:"^"r:f.:^^^^^^^ w d'Abbevme

and on all wno V preaching, pelted with stones Z P^d^t" drawn slrds, an/ the judges of the royal court and pnrsueu p.oaT3e with their hves, while the ?r:.:x°e:- sis rer.he. .,^^ .» P»^«-.d 'iS^Zi^^-^y:^'^;;^^^;^^^'^^:^^!^^ Bernard ««>,«  ■A- A^^o i?r«npp x) 92 — A. Molinier ( Vaissette, S;e7::VLlL of Berua.d de ^ast-t, Bishop «raud w,o^>^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 ^uii fhP RpiP-neur de Puygozon, raised an army oi uvt tuu settle a quarrel with the Seigneur ae ^ ^- ' ^^. ^^ committed men with which he attacked the royal Chateau Vieux a j^ , much devastation.— Vaissette, IV. 160.