Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/96

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80 LANGUEDOC. abhorrent to the human mind. He afflicted the people with nu- merous exactions and oppressions; he was accustomed to com- mence proceedings with torture inconceivable and incredible, and Zs compel confession from those ^^-^.!^%^^^^;^^'^'^^^^^ this failed he suborned witnesses to testify false y. His detesta. ble excesses had created such general terror that a nsmg of the people was to be apprehended unless some «l-^^Jj -^^^^ JJJ had Some further unavailing opposition was made to Foulques s removal, but not much was gained by the appointment of his suc- cessor Guillaume de Morieres, who had previously succeeded hm. in the Priory of Albi. Foulques was gratified with the important Prory of Ivignon, and when he subsequently died in poverty atLyons he was regarded by his Order almost m the light of a """pMUppe had not contented himself with getting rid of Foulaues but had endeavored to introduce reforms which are fnte esttng not only as a manifestation of the roya supremacy wS he assumed, but also as the model of aU subsequent en- leavors to curb the abuses of the Inquisition. It was natura that thl should take the shape of reviving the episcopal power IhtiL become so completely suppressed. Firstly, the prison Ih ch the crown had built on its own land m Toulouse for the Tsetf he Inquisition was to be placed under the charge o some one selected by both bishop and inquisitor, and m case of their TsLreement by the royal seneschal. The inquisitor was deprived 5 tfe Twer of arbitrary arrest. He was obliged to consult the b shop aiTd when they could not agree the question was to be detded by a majority vote in an assemblage consisting of certain offices of the cathedral and of the Franciscan and Dommican cfnvents Arrests were only to be made by the senescha , after these preliminaries had been observed, except m case of foreign heretics who might escape. The question of bail was to be set- Heretics WHO g „, tviflt of arrest In no case was either Sop It^SoZiX otr„'c ,.e. «.i„g -Wd..,^ ■ 1, tor, 2 Z king d„l.rrf, .• W. .a„»o. »dar. that .h. l.f . ..d T,m.-Ml d* M«M«in. a« OJ»., XXXIV. 1..,.