Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/306

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Tygio, v. to prosper, to succeed

Tyngiad, n. a plighting; a swearing

Tyngied, n. destiny, fate, luck

Tyngiedfen, n. a destiny, fate

Tyngedfenu, v. to predestinate

Tyngediad, n. adjuration

Tyngedu, v. to adjure

Tyngiad, n. a swearing

Tyngu, v. to pledge, to swear

Tyhun, pron. thou, thyself

Tylad, n. a making smooth

Tylath, n. a house beam, a rafter

Tylcyn, n. a small hovel

Tylchiad, n. a forming a knoll

Tylchu, v. to form a knoll

Tyle, n. a down, a toft, a site

Tylinad, n. a kneeding

Tylino, v. to kneed dough

Tylu, n. a household

Tyledd, n. domesticity; society

Tylwyth, n. household; family

Tylwytho, v. to form a family

Tylwythog, a. having a family

Tyllgrug, n. a chink by drought

Tylliad, n. aboring, perforation

Tyllog, a having holes, perforated

Tyllu, v. to bore, to make a hole

Tymig, a. ample, full time

Tymmher, n. temperament

Tymmheriad, n. a tempering

Tymmherol, n. temperamental

Tymmheru, v. to temper

Tymmherus, a. temperate

Tymmherusedd, n. temperateness

Tymmhestl, n. a tempest

Tymmhestliad, n. a storming

Tymmhestlog, a. tempestuous

Tymmhestlu, v. to storm, to boister

Tymmhestlus, a. tempestuous

Tymmhigiad, n. a prickling

Tymmor, n. season, time

Tymmoraidd, a seasonable

Tymmori, v. to take a season

Tymmoriad, n. a fixing a season

Tymmoroldeb, n. seasonableness

Tymp, n. an enlargement; a bringing forth, a birth; a time

Tyn, n. a pull, a stretch: a. tight, stretched; stubborn

Tynâd, n. a tightening

Tynâu, v. to tighten, to strain

Tynchwydd, n. a tumour

Tynder, n. tightness; rigidity

Tyndir, n. fallow land

Tyndra, n. tightness, straitness

Tyndrec, n. draught gear

Tynedigaeth, n. attraction

Tynedigol, a. attractive

Tynell, n. a barrel, a tun; a ton

Tynellaid, n. contents of a tun

Tynelliad, n. the act of filling, a tun

Tynellu, v. to fill a tun

Tyner, a. tender, lenient, mild

Tyneredd, n. tenderness

Tyneriad, n. a making tender

Tyneriant, n. emollition

Tyneru, v. to make tender

Tynerus, a. of a tender nature

Tynerwch, n. tenderness

Tynfa, n. a draught, a pull

Tynfach, n. a harpoon, a grapnel

Tynfaen, n. a loadstone

Tynfarch, n. a draught horse

Tyniad, n. a pulling, draught

Tyniar, n. a bubble

Tyniedydd, n. an extractor

Tynlath, n. a draught-tree

Tyno, n. a plat, a green, a dale

Tynrwyd, n. a drag-net

Tynrwydd, n. tightness, rigidity

Tynu, v. to draw, to pull

Tyrchaidd, a. hoggish, hog like

Tyrches, n. a splayed sow

Tyrchiad, n. a burrowing

Tyrchu, v. to burrow, to turn

Tyrchyn, n. a little hog

Tyrddain, v. to be blustering

Tyrddan, n. a blustering

Tyrddu, v. to bluster, to storm

Tyrfa, n. a multitude, a host

Tyrfain, v. to be blustering

Tyrfâu, v. to shrink together