Page:A short history of social life in England.djvu/262

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he is about twelve years of age with light Cloathes lin'd with red, a well-favour'd brisk Boy with a fair old Wig; he has been in Spain and Portugal, which makes his Parents fear that some Ship may entertain him."

Indeed, it was the fashion to travel abroad, and the finish to a boy's education was for him to make the grand tour in Europe, accompanied either by father or tutor. Slow and tedious was the travelling on the Continent by heavy, rumbling coaches, while the accommodation at night was uncomfortable and unhealthy. Boys were on distant terms with their parents, addressing them on bended knee as "Most honoured Father, Sir," and this in days of tender endearment and affection. "Child," writes a father to his sixteen-year-old son, "I shall send you 2 lb. of Chocolate upon next Monday by the carrier. … I have a new shirt here ready for you, and shall buy muslin cravats and ruffles against you come to me."

But if kind, they could be equally severe.

"Child," writes an angry father to his really good little boy at school, "I have received a letter from your master, Mr. Blackwell, who complains of you in your business, and that you are idly