Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/124

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necting Mersey with Trent, which took a course parallel with the road for a considerable distance; some iron-works, busily employed upon its banks; the fertile meadows, watered by the Trent in the neighbourhood of Burton, and the rich pasturages rising above the town on its northern side. The flourishing appearance of the place announced the several manufactories which are here carried on with briskness and success; seven breweries employed in making that rich and glutinous beverage named after the town, and well known in the neighbourhood, of Gray's-Inn Lane; "balm of" the cares, sweet solace of the toils," of many an exhausted limb of the law, who, at the renowned Peacock, re-invigorates his powers with a nipperkin of Burton ale, and a whiff of the Indian weed;—a cotton-mill;—and a manufactory of screws. The river admits vessels of forty tons to the town quay, and connecting itself, by means of canals, with all the other parts of the kingdom, affords a ready and cheap exportation to the produce of all the manufactories of the place. A most pleasing picture, formed by Burton, the river Trent, (which divides itself about half a mile below the bridge into two branches) vessels and fishing-boats, a fine extent of meadow ornamented with handsome houses and neat demesnes, presents itself on mounting the hill