Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/44

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in the most perfect: preservation; the beauties of which are secured to posterity by an admirable little engraving published by Mr. Bonnor of Glocester, amongst others of different parts of the cathedral, and buildings connected with it.

Our visit to the gaol produced a mingled emotion of pity and gratification; commiseration for those whom the laws of society render it necessary to punish or to deprive of the inestimable blessing of personal liberty; and pleasure in observing the humane and judicious regulations adopted to rob the melancholy interval between commitment and trial of unnecessary rigors, and to render confinement the parent of industry and the nurse of reflection. Built a few years since on a plan suggested by the venerable philanthropist the late Mr. Howard, Glocester gaol embraces every accommodation and convenience of building, and every internal arrangement that sagacity united with humanity could contrive for the comfort and improvement of its unhappy inmates. The admirable disposition of the whole strikes the mind on the first glance; and an attention to its detail to the different parts of crime confirms the impression which it has received. Here we observe a due regard to the gradations of vice, in the manner of grouping the prisoners; nor are the more venial