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finally, the tenth part of which is derived from (18), , determines the density of electromagnetic energy.

To arrive at a suitable four-dimensional scalar, which is a second-order homogeneous function of coordinates , with bilinear coefficients in the components of the electromagnetic vectors, we form the first one according to scheme (6), the radius vector in a space of four dimensions, and from :

Similarly, from another and from which is comprised of :

Now, according to the scheme (2), we obtain the :

that can be written:


As it follows from (6a), we can permute with and with , and obtain in a corresponding way another :



it is given:


Now, by identifying the homogeneous second-order function of which is invariant under the Lorentz transformation, with as given by (18), we find the expressions:


We introduce the electrodynamic of Minkowski, by setting


By taking into account (18a), the following expressions are resulting now:
