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especially the beautiful soul of S. Francis Xavier who, living in Paris, gave himself up to the world. S. Ignatius said to him one day, " Remember, that the world is a traitor; that it promises, but it does not fulfil: if it should perform what it promises, it is not able to fill thy heart. But let us suppose that it could satisfy it, how long would this thy happiness endure? Can it last longer than thy life? and, in short, what canst thou carry into eternity? Is there perchance any rich man who has carried thither either a piece of money or a servant for his convenience? Is there any king who has carried a thread of the purple through his love of it? " On hearing these words, S. Francis left the world; he followed S. Ignatius, and he became a saint. " Vanity of vanities," so Solomon called all the goods of this world, although he had not denied himself one pleasure of all those that are in the world, as he himself acknowledges. "Whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them; I withheld not my heart from any joy." (Eccles. ii. 10.) Sister Margaret of S. Anne, of the Barefooted-Carmelites, daughter of the Emperor Rudolph II., said, " Of what use are kingdoms at the hour of death." How wonderful! the saints tremble when they think upon their eternal salvation. Father Segneri trembled, in great terror, demanding of his confessor, "What say you, Father, shall I be saved?" S. Andrew Avellino trembled and wept, saying, "Who knows whether I shall be saved?" S. Louis Bertrand was so tormented by this thought even, that terrified in the night he sprang out of bed, saying, " And who knows but I shall be damned?" And shiners live condemned, and sleep, and jest, and laugh.

Affections and Prayers.

O Jesus, my Redeemer, I thank Thee that Thou hast made me to know my folly and the sin which I have committed in turning away from Thee, Who hast shed Thy Blood and Thy life for me. No, Thou hast not deserved to be treated by me as I have treated Thee. Behold, if death should come to me now, what should I find in myself, except sins and remorse of conscience, which would cause me to die in great disquiet? I confess, my Saviour, I have sinned, I have erred in leaving