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end, the world treats even monarchs, so that their death is the same as that of the poorest of the world; in short, he who lives best, has the best place with God." Afterwards this same son, who was Philip III., dying young, at the age of forty-three, said, "My subjects, preach nothing in my funeral sermon, but that sight which you now behold. Say that in death, it avails not to be a king, but that by this thought, greater torment is present to him." He then exclaimed, "Oh, that I had never been a king, and that I had lived in a desert to serve God; since now I should have dared with greater confidence to present myself before His tribunal, and I should not find myself in so great danger of being condemned! " But what do these desires avail, at the moment of death, save to bring greater pain and despair to him who has not loved God in life? Therefore, said S. Teresa, " We must make no account of that which ends with life; the true life is so to live as not to fear to die." If we wish to see the things cf this world as they really are, let us behold them from the bed cf death, and then say, " These honours, these amusements, these revenues, will one day end; we must then strive to become saints, rich in those goods above, which will go with us, and which will make us happy through all eternity."

Affections and Prayers.

Ah, my Redeemer, Thou hast suffered so many pains and ignominies for the love of me, whilst I have so greatly loved the pleasures and vanities of this world, that on their account I have often trampled Thy grace under foot. But if when I despised Thee Thou didst still follow me, I cannot fear, O my Jesus, that I shall be rejected, now that I follow Thee and love Thee with my whole heart; and I grieve more for having offended Thee than if I had suffered any other disgrace. O God of my soul, henceforth I will not willingly give Thee any displeasure, even in the smallest thing. Make me to know what is displeasing to Thee, and I will not willingly do it for any good in the world; and teach me to do what shall please Thee, for I am ready. I desire truly to love Thee. I embrace, Lord, all the pains and crosses which Thou pleasest to send