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flower of her youth, resolved to give himself wholly to God, saying, " What! do the greatnesses and the crowns of this world end thus? I desire, then, henceforth to serve a Master Who cannot die."

Let us endeavour so to live, that it may not be said to us in death, as it was said to the fool in the gospel, " Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee." (S. Luke xii. 19.) Whence S. Luke concludes, " So is he who layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God." Afterwards, he says, Seek to become rich, not indeed in the possessions of this world, but towards God in virtue, in merit, which things are really good which will be eternal with you in the heavens. " Provide yourselves a treasure in the heavens; where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth." (S. Luke xii. 33.) Therefore let us strive to acquire the great treasure of Divine love. S. Augustine asks, "What has the rich man if he has not love? If the poor man has love, what has he not? " If he has all riches, and has not God, he is the poorest man in the world; whilst the poor man who has God, possesses all things. And who has God? He who loves Him. " He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him." (i S. John iv. 16.)

Affections and Prayers.

Ah, my God, I will not, that the devil should have further power over my soul. I desire that Thou alone shouldst be my Master, and rule over it. I desire to forsake all to obtain Thy favour; and I value this more than crowns or kingdoms. Who ought I to love, if not Thee, Who art infinite sweetness, infinite good, beauty, bounty and love? In the past time I have left Thee for creatures; this is to me now, and ever will be, a grief which will pierce my heart, to have offended Thee, Who had so much love for me. But after Thou hast bound me, my God, by so great favours, I will not trust myself any longer to see myself deprived of Thy love. Take to Thyself, my love, my whole will, and all that is mine, and do with me according to Thy pleasure. If formerly I allowed myself to be permitted by contrary events, I ask Thy pardon. I will no longer repine, my Lord, at Thy dispensations; I know that they are all, holy, and all, for my good. O my God, do what Thou wilt, and I promise to be always contented, and ever to thank Thee. Grant that I may love Thee, and I ask Thee for nothing more. I desire only God.