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live in deserts, so as to attend to their souls alone; and they have saved them. Now that they are saved, they find a happiness which will be theirs for ever.

A lady who was living far from God was converted by a certain Father M. Avila merely saying, " Lady, meditate upon these two words, always and ever." Paul Segneri, by a thought which he once had of eternity, was unable to sleep for many nights, and from that time he dedicated himself to a more ascetic life. Drexelius narrates, that this thought of eternity caused a bishop to lead a holy life, ever repeating to himself, " I stand at the gate of eternity every moment." A monk shut himself up in a cave, and there did nothing but exclaim, " O eternity! O eternity! " Avila says, that he who believes in eternity, if he does not become a saint, ought to be shut up in a madhouse.

Affections and Prayers.

O my God, have pity upon me! I truly know that I condemned myself to an eternity of pain in sinning; and I was content to oppose Thy will, and to have all this punishment; and for what? For a miserable gratification. Ah, my Lord, pardon me, for I repent with all my heart. I do not wish any more to oppose myself to Thy holy will. Wretched me! hadst Thou caused me to die in the time of my evil life, I should now have had to remain for ever in hell to hate Thy will; but now I love Thee, and I desire to love Thee ever. " Teach me to do Thy will." Teach me, and give me strength to perform today and henceforth Thy good pleasure. I desire not to thwart Thee further, O Infinite Goodness, and I ask Thee for this grace alone. " Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Grant me to fulfil Thy will perfectly, and I ask nothing else. And what more dost Thou desire, O my God, but my good and my salvation? Ah! Eternal Father, hear me for the love of Jesus Christ, Who has taught me ever to pray to Thee, and in His Name I beg Thee, " Thy will be done." O blessed me, if during the remainder of my life, and to its end, I may perform Thy will.