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your sight that He deserves to be neglected for some worldly passion, or for a miserable pleasure. " In comparison with other things, God only was esteemed vile by thee."

Besides, when the sinner, because of some pleasure, offends God, that pleasure becomes his god, because he makes it his ultimate aim. S. Jerome observes: " That which any one desires, if he venerates it, becomes his god; a vice in the heart is an idol upon the altar." And S. Thomas says, " If you love pleasures, they are called thy god." And S. Cyprian, " Whatever man places before God, he makes a god to himself." When Jeroboam rebelled against God, he tried to draw the people with him into idolatry, and therefore he presented his gods unto them, and cried, " Behold thy gods, O Israel." (l Kings xii. 28.) Even so, does the devil present some gratification to the sinner, and say, " What hast thou to do with God? this pleasure is thy god. this passion; take it, and leave God." And when the sinner consents, he in his heart adores that pleasure as a God.

When the sinner dishonours God, he not only dishonours Him in His presence, but He dishonours Him to His face, because God is everywhere present. " I fill heaven and earth." (Jer. xxiii. 24.) And the sinner knows this, and for all that ceases not to provoke God, even in His presence. " A people that provoketh Me to anger continually to My face." (Isa. lxv. 3.)

Affections and Prayers.

Therefore, my God, Thou art an infinite good, and yet I have many times exchanged Thee for a miserable pleasure which was hardly obtained, before it vanished away. But Thou, although Thou hast been despised by me, dost now offer me pardon, if I desire it; and Thou dost promise to receive me into Thy grace, if only I repent for having offended Thee. Yes, my Lord, I repent with all my heart for having thus provoked Thee; I hate my sin more than any other evil. Behold, now that I return to Thee, Thou dost receive me and embrace me as a son. I thank Thee, O Infinite Goodness.

But now do Thou help me, and never more let me drive Thee from me. Hell will never cease to tempt me, but Thou art more