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no pardon. S. Chrysostom observes that it was even for this reason that Judas was lost, because he committed the sin, trusting in the mercy of Jesus Christ, "in the meekness of his Master." In short, although God endures for some time, yet He will not endure for ever. If God were to suffer sin for ever, no one would be lost; but it is the general opinion, that the greater part even of Christians, and those adults, are lost. " For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." (S. Matt. vii. 13.)

He who offends God, hoping to be pardoned, " is a derider, and not a penitent," observes S. Augustine. But on the contrary, S. Paul says, that " God is not mocked." (Gal. vi. 7.) It would be mocking God to continue to offend, and afterwards to go to heaven, " For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal. vi. 7.) He that sows in sin, has no right to hope for anything but punishment and hell. The snare into which the devil draws almost all those Christians and the deceit is, by telling them to sin freely, because, notwithstanding all then sins, they will be saved. But God curses him who sins in the hope of pardon. " Cursed is the man who sins in hope." The sinner's hope, when he is repentant, even after he has committed the sin, is indeed dear to God; but the hope of those who are obstinate, is an abomination to God. " Their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost." (Job xi. 20.) Such a hope as this only provokes God to punish them, even as a master would be provoked by that servant who should offend him, even though the master be good.

Affections and Prayers.

Ah, my God, I have been one of those who offended Thee notwithstanding Thou wast good to me. Lord, wait for me, do not abandon me; because I hope, Thy grace helping me, never more to provoke Thee to abandon me. I repent, O Thou Infinite Goodness, for having offended Thee, and for, having thus abused Thy patience. I thank Thee that Thou hast waited for me until now. From this day forward, I will never more abuse Thee as I have done in the time that is past. Thou hast borne with me so long, that Thou mightest one day see me