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Affections and Prayers.

Ah, my God, unhappy me, if from this day henceforth I am not faithful to Thee, and if I should turn again to betray Thee after the lights which now Thou givest to me, this light is a sign that Thou wilt pardon me. I repent, O Highest Good, of all the injuries that I have done in giving offence unto Thy Infinite Goodness. I hope for pardon through Thy Blood; and I hope with certainty; but I feel, that if I were to turn away again from Thee, I should deserve a hell formed for me. And this is what made me tremble, O God of my soul; that I can turn away and lose Thy grace. I remember how many times I have promised to be faithful to Thee, and how afterwards again I have revolted from Thee. O Lord, do not permit it; do not abandon me to the great disgrace of becoming again Thine enemy; send me any punishment, but not this. " Do not suffer me to be separated from Thee." Grant me rather to die if Thou seest that I shall again offend Thee. I am content to die any death, however painful, rather than have to weep over the wretchedness of being deprived of Thy grace. "Do not permit me to be separated from Thee; " and thus I repeat again and again; grant me ever so to do. I love Thee, my dear Redeemer; by the merits of Thy death give me a stronger love that shall bind me to Thee, so that I shall never be able to sever myself from Thee any more.