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lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life." (S. Matt. xix. 29.)

Whom, therefore, are we seeking? Let us seek Jesus Christ Who calls us, and Who says, " Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (S. Matt. xi. 28.) Ah, the soul that loves God, finds that peace which surpasses all the pleasures and satisfactions which the senses and the world can give. "The peace of God that passeth all understanding." (Phil. iv. 7.) It is true that in this life even the saints suffer, for this earth is a place of suffering, and we cannot be saved without it; but S. Bonaventure observes, that Divine love is like unto honey, which makes the bitterest things sweet and lovely. He who loves God, loves the will of God, and therefore rejoices in spirit although in affliction, for, by embracing it, he knows he is pleasing God. O God, sinners are willing to despise the spiritual life, but without trying it! S. Bernard says, "They see the cross, but they do not see the unction;" they only regard the mortifications which those who love God endure, and the pleasures of which they are deprived, but they see not the spiritual joys with which the Lord caresses them. Oh, if sinners would but taste the peace which that soul enjoys who desires nothing but God! David exclaims, " Oh, taste and see how gracious the Lord is." (Ps. xxxiv. 8.) My brother, begin to make daily meditations. Very often receive the most Holy Communion. Endeavour to leave the world and to be reconciled to God, and you will see that the Lord will comfort you more in that short time which you spend with Him, than the world has ever comforted you with all its amusements. " Oh, taste and see." He who does not taste can never understand how fully God satisfies the soul that loves Him.

Affections and Prayers.

My dear Redeemer, how is it that I have been so blind during the time that is past as to leave Thee, Thou Infinite Good, Thou Fountain of Consolation, for the short and miserable satisfactions of sense! I marvel at my blindness, but much more do I marvel because of Thy mercy which has borne with me for so long with so much goodness. I thank Thee, that Thou