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become my slave, therefore he is mine." Even the guardian angels will become accusers, as Origen observes, " Each one of the angels will give evidence as to how many years he has laboured on his behalf, and how he spurned the warnings."

Therefore at that time " all her friends have dealt treacherously with her." (Lam. i. 2.) Even those walls, within which the guilty one shall have sinned, will become accusers. " The stone shall cry out of the wall." (Hab. ii. II.) His own conscience will be an accuser. "Their conscience also bearing witness .... in the day when God shall judge." (Rom. ii. 15.) Their own sins then will speak, as S. Bernard says, and cry out, " Thou hast made us, we are thy work; we will not desert thee."

Finally, as S. Chrysostom observes, the wounds of Jesus Christ will become accusers: " the nails will complain of thee; the scars will speak against thee; the Cross of Christ will proclaim against thee."

And then will the examination commence. The Lord declares that " at that time I will search Jerusalem with candles." (Zeph. i. 12.) Mendozza observes that the lamp will penetrate into every corner of the house. Cornelius a Lapide, explaining these words, " with lamps," teaches us, that God will then place before the guilty the example of the saints, and will remind them of all the lights and the inspirations which He has given to them during life, and also of all the years which He has granted them, during which they ought to have done good. " He hath called an assembly against me." (Lam. i. 15.) So that he will then, according to S. Anselm, have to render an account of every glance. " He shall purify the sons of Levi." (Mai. iii. 3.) As gold is purified by being separated from the dross, even so will our good works be examined our confessions, and our communions. " When I receive the congregation, I shall judge according unto right." (Ps. lxxv. 3.) Indeed, as S. Peter tells us, the righteous will scarcely be saved in the judgment. " And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" (i S. Peter iv. 18.) If he shall have to render an account of every idle word, what account will he be able to render of so many evil thoughts which have been yielded to -