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being separated, they will be abandoned? S. Chrysostom observes, that if those who are condemned should have no other punishment, this confusion alone would be enough to constitute a hell. The son shall be separated from the father, the husband from the wife, the master from the servant. " The one shall be taken, and the other left." (S. Matt. xxiv. 40.) Tell me, my brother, which place thou thinkest will then be thine? Dost thou wish to be found on the right hand? Then leave the life which leads thee to the left.

Now in this life princes and rich ones are esteemed fortunate, and the saints who live in poverty and humility are despised. Oh, faithful ones who love God, do not grieve upon seeing yourselves so despised and afflicted in this earth! " Your sorrows shall be turned into joy." (S. John xvi. 20.) Then you will be called the truly fortunate, and you will have the honour of being declared one of those who belong to the court of Jesus Christ. Oh, how great will appear many of the saints, some of whom were branded as apostates, others treated as if mad, others renouncing high positions to die in prisons. Oh, what honours, then, will so many martyrs possess who have been ill-treated by their executioners. " Then shall every man have praise of God." (i Cor. iv. 5.) And, on the other hand, what a horrible spectacle will Herod, Pilate, and Nero make, and many others who were great ones of the world, but were afterwards for ever lost. Oh, lovers of the world, in the Valley, in the Valley I am expecting you. There, without doubt, you will change your feelings. There, you will weep over your folly. Miserable ones, who, in order to make a short appearance upon the stage of this world, will afterwards have to act the part of the lost, in the tragedy 01 judgment. The elect, therefore, will be placed on the right hand; nay, for their greater glory, according to S. Paul, they will be raised in the air beyond the clouds, to go with the angels to meet Jesus Christ Who will come from heaven. " We .... shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." (i Thess. iv. 17.) And the condemned, like so many goats destined to the slaughter, shall be confined upon the left hand to await their Judge, Who will make a public condemnation against all His enemies.