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for ever denied to him. "The desire of the ungodly shall perish." (Ps. cxii. 10.) The wretched one will never have that which he desires, but will ever have that which he abhors, which will be his eternal sufferings. He would wish to escape from the torments, and to find peace; but he will be tormented for ever, and will never more find peace.

Affections and Prayers.

Ah, my Jesus, Thy Blood and Thy death are my hope. Thou didst die to free me from eternal death. Ah, Lord, and who has ever shared more of the merits of Thy Passion than I, miserable one that I am, who have so often deserved hell? Ah, no longer do Thou allow me to live ungrateful for the graces which Thou hast bestowed upon me. Thou hast freed me from the fire of hell, because Thou didst not wish me to burn in that fire of torment, but Thou didst wish that I should burn with the sweet fire of Thy love. Help me, therefore, so that I may comply with Thy desire. If now I were in hell, I could never love Thee more, but since I can love Thee, I wish to love Thee. I love Thee, O Thou Infinite Goodness, I love Thee, my Redeemer, Who hast loved me so much. How could I live so long forgetfully of Thee! I thank Thee that Thou hast never been forgetful of me. If Thou hadst been forgetful of me, I should either be in hell now, or I should not feel any grief because of my sins. This grief which I feel in my heart, for having offended Thee, the desire which I feel to love Thee as I ought to do, are the gifts of Thy grace, which is still aiding me. I thank Thee for it, my Jesus. I hope for the future to give the life which may remain to me to Thee. I renounce all things. I only wish to think of serving Thee and pleasing Thee. Do Thou ever remind me of the hell which I have deserved, and of the graces which Thou hast bestowed upon me, and do not allow me ever to turn away from Thee, and to condemn myself to that pit of torments.

Third Point.

But all these pains are as nothing compared with the anguish we shall feel at our loss. The darkness, the smell, the cries, the