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punishment as to intensity, suggests S. Thomas, so God justly makes it infinite, as to extension.

Moreover, this punishment must be necessarily eternal; first, since the condemned cannot make any further satisfaction for their guilt. In this life the penitent sinner is able to make so much satisfaction, as the merits of Jesus Christ are applied to him. But the lost one is shut out from these merits, so that he cannot any more appease God; and as his sin is eternal, so also is his punishment. " It cost more to redeem their souls; so that he must let that alone for ever." (Ps. xlix. 8.) Hence, says Belluacensis, " Sin will be ever punished there, and never expiated;" as S. Augustine observes, "There, the sinner is not able to repent; " therefore the Lord will ever remain angry with him. " The people against whom the Lord hath indignation for ever." (Mai. i. 4.) Moreover, the condemned, even should God wish to pardon them, cannot be pardoned, for their will will be stubborn and confirmed in its hatred against God. Innocent III. said, "The reprobate will not be humbled, but in them the malignity of hatred will increase." S. Jerome writes of the lost, " They are insatiable in the desire of sinning." Whence the wound of the condemned is desperate, since it refuses even to be healed. " Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed?" (Jer. xv. 18.)

Affections and Prayers.

So, my Redeemer, if I were now condemned as I have deserved to be, I should be obstinate in my hatred of Thee, my God, Who hast died for me. O God! and what a hell it would be to hate Thee, Who hast so greatly loved me, and. Who art Infinite Perfection, Infinite Goodness, worthy of infinite love? So, were I now in hell, should I not be in that unhappy state in which I should no longer desire the pardon which Thou offerest to me? My Jesus, I thank Thee for the pity which Thou hast had towards me; and since now I am able to obtain pardon and to love Thee, I desire to be pardoned and to love Thee. Thou offerest me pardon, and I ask it of Thee, and I hope for it through Thy merits. I repent of all the offences which I have committed against Thee, O Infinite Goodness,