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could, to occupy himself in prayer. May we ever do the same. We have a God Who loves us so much, and Who is so anxious for our salvation, and Who is for this reason ever ready to hear those who pray to Him. The princes of the world, says S. Chrysostom, give audience to few; but God is pleased to grant audience to every one who desires it

Affections and Prayers.

Eternal God, I adore Thee, and thank Thee for the many benefits which Thou has granted to me; for having created and redeemed me through Jesus Christ; for having made me a Christian; for having waited for me when I remained in sin; and for having so often forgiven me. Ah, my God, I should never have offended Thee, if in the time of temptation I had prayed to Thee for help. I thank Thee for the light by which Thou makest me now to understand, that my salvation depends entirely upon my praying to Thee, and upon my asking for Thy help. Behold, I now ask of Thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to make me very sorry for my sins; to give me strength to persevere in Thy grace; to give me a peaceful death, and afterwards to make me a partaker of Paradise; but, above all, I entreat Thee for the highest gift of Thy love, and for a most complete submission to Thy most holy will. I know, indeed, that I am unworthy of these Thy mercies, but Thou hast promised them to those who seek them through the merits of Jesus Christ, and through the merits of Jesus Christ I entreat and I hope for these Thy mercies.

Second Point.

Let us consider, moreover, the necessity of prayer. S. Chrysostom says, that, as the body is dead without the soul, even so is the soul dead, without prayer. He says likewise, that as water is necessary to plants to prevent them from being dried up, even so is prayer necessary to prevent us from being lost. " We need prayer not less than the trees do water." God desires that we should all be saved. " Who will have all men to be saved." (i S. Tim. ii. 4.) He does not will that any should be