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position in the world. For your love even, He has made many other beautiful creatures, that they might serve you, and might remind you of the love which He has for you, and which you owe to Him. S. Augustine writes, " Heaven, and earth, and all things, tell me that I ought to love Thee." Whence, the Saint observed, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the rivers, they seemed as if they would all speak and say to him, " Augustine, love God, since He has created us for you, in order that you might love Him." The Abbot de Ranee", when he admired the hills, fountains, and flowers, said they recalled the love that God had towards him. S. Teresa said that creation reproached her own ingratitude towards God. S. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, whenever she held in her hand any beautiful flower or fruit, felt as if wounded with a certain arrow in her heart, with the love towards God, saying within herself, Thou, my God, hast planned from eternity to create a certain flower or fruit, in order that I might love Him.

Consider further the especial love that God had towards you in causing you to be born in a Christian land, and in the bosom of the true Church. How many are born amongst idolaters, Jews, Mahometans, or heretics, and are lost! How few have it their lot to be born amongst men, where the true faith reigns, and of the number of those few, the Lord has elected you. How many millions of persons are deprived of the Sacraments, of sermons, of the example of good companions, and of all the other helps to salvation, which are in the true Church! And God has willed to grant you all these great helps, without any merit on your part, even seeing beforehand your demerits; for, whilst He thought of creating you and of procuring for you all these favours, He already foreknew the injuries which you would do to Him.

Affections and Prayers.

O Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, Infinite Good, Infinite Majesty, Who hast so loved men, how is it then that Thou art so disregarded of men? But amongst these men, Thou, my God, hast so particularly loved me and bestowed upon me such special grace, that Thou hast not granted to others, and I seem