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the love of men. " Made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men," (Phil. ii. 7), or clothed with flesh " The Word was made flesh." (S. John i. 14.) But this wonder increases, when we see that which this Son of God, both did and suffered for our sakes. A single drop of His Blood, one tear, one single prayer of His was sufficient to save us; since this being the prayer of a Divine Person was of infinite value, and was sufficient not only to save the whole world, but an infinite number of worlds. But no, says S. Chrysostom, " that which was sufficient for our redemption was not sufficient for His love." He did not will to save us only, but since He loved us so much, He desired to be much loved by us; and therefore He willed to choose for Himself a whole life, fully laden with pains and insults, and a death the most bitter of all deaths, that we might understand the infinite love with which He burned towards us. " He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the, cross." (Phil. ii. 8.) Oh, the excess of Divine love which neither men nor angels will ever be able to comprehend! S. Bonaventure calls it " Excess of sorrow, excess of love." If the Redeemer had not been God, but our simple friend or parent, what greater proof of affection would He be able to give us than to die for us? " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (S. John xv. 13.) If our Blessed Lord had to save His own Father, what more could He have done by His love? If, my brother, thou hadst been God and the creator of Jesus Christ, what more could He have done for you than to have sacrificed His life in the midst of taunts and sorrows? If the vilest man on earth had done for you that which Jesus Christ has done, could you live without loving Him?

But what say you? Do you believe in the incarnation and death of Jesus Christ? Do you believe in Him, and yet not love Him? And can you think of loving anything else save Jesus Christ? Perhaps you doubt whether He loves you? But S. Augustine says, " It was on this account that Christ came, that man might know how much God loved him." Before the Incarnation, man could doubt whether God loved him with