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salvation; have pity then on me, and save me; and suffer not that soul, redeemed by Thee at so great a price, and by so much love, to hate Thee for ever in hell. Thou art not able to do more than oblige me to love Thee; and this Thou gavest me to understand when, before the death on Calvary, Thou saidst those loving words, " It is finished." (S. John xix. 30.) But how have I since, recognised Thy love? For the time past, I can say truly that I have done nothing, save offend Thee, and oblige Thee to hate me. I thank Thee for having borne with me with so much patience, and for now giving me time to remedy my ingratitude, and to love Thee before I die. Yes, I desire to love Thee, and to do everything that may please Thee; and I give to Thee, my will, my liberty, all that I have. I sacrifice to Thee from this time, my life; and I accept that death which Thou mayest send me, with all its pains and its attendant circumstances. I unite this sacrifice, from this time, with that great sacrifice which Thou, my Jesus, didst make for me, of Thy life upon the Cross. I desire to die that I may obey Thy will. Ah, through the merits of Thy Passion, grant me grace, that I may be in life ever resigned to Thy ordering of events; and when death shall come, grant that I may embrace it with a like submission to Thy holy good pleasure. I am willing to die, my Jesus, to please Thee; I would die saying, " Thy will be done."