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All that this life can give of pure and dear—
Changeless affection, kindness still the same,
The ear that listens but to soothe thy grief—
That never tedious thinks thy tale of joy;
The look, that shares thy hope and soothes thy fear;
The smile still fondly answering thy own;
Each dream of bliss, and each desire of love,
Is in the magic circle of thy hearth.


Full gallantly Orlando stemm'd the tide,
The stormy tide of battle; he had been
Amid the bravest champions of the Cross!
At length the gloomy night of warfare clos'd,
And the sweet smile of peace dawn'd o'er the sky,
And homeward turn'd the warriors. Italy
First greeted them again; but as they sought
Orlando and his beautiful Zoraide,

  1. There is no section IX., due to a counting error