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Smiles play'd o'er thy face, like the silvery light
The moon throws over the waters by night;
The halcyon's blue had tinted thine eyes,
Sunny and bright as the summer skies.

Thy laugh was glad as the sky lark's lay,
Thy step was light as the waterfall's spray—
When love and when pleasure around thee were glowing,
Like some bright bud in Eden blowing.

But now thou art chang'd! it is sad to gaze
On the faded beauty thy form displays;
Thy cheek is pale as the sickly flower,
Struggling in cold spring's sunless hour.

Thy blush is gone, and thy smile is fled,
And thy wan lip hath lost its delicate red;
Tears dim the light of thine azure eye,
And the dimple is banish'd by misery.