Page:Adventures of Roderick Random.pdf/122

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she informed me of her being very happy in the service of a young lady, to whom she was recommended by a former mistress deceased, into whose family she had introduced herself by the honest deceit she had concerted while she lived with me in the garret in London. She then expressed a vehement desire to be acquainted with the vicissitudes of my life since we parted. I forthwith gratified her request: and having brought my adventures down to the present day, she seemed very much affected with the different circumstances of my fortune: and saying, with a smile she believed my distresses were now at a period, proceeded to inform me that the lady whom she served was no other than the charming Narcissa, who had honoured her with her confidence for some time; that she had often repeated the story of John Brown, with great admiration and regard: that she loved to dwell upon the particulars of his character, and did not scruple to own a tender approbation of his fame.—I became delirious with this piece of intelligence.—As soon as I was in a condition to yield attention, she described the present situation of her mistress, who had no sooner come home the night before, than she embraces her in a rapture of joy, gave her to know that she had seen me at the ball, where I appeared the character she always thought my due, with such advantage of transforma-
