Page:Africa's redemption.djvu/34

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Nation's Jubilee, let every heart rejoice, and every tongue sing aloud with joy It is the Nation's Sabbath, let the labourer rest, and the patriot refresh his soul: let the Nation's universal, undivided heart pour out its praises to the Almighty Father, and supplicate his continued favours. It is not a day for childish glee, still less for wild extravagance it is a day for solemn thoughts and sacred communings, and soul-stirring memories, and earnest, unceasing, supplications. But it is not a day for isolating ourselves from all thoughts of brother man. To appreciate our own condition, we must contrast it with that of others: and we are not worthy of our privileges if we do not sympathize with the down-trodden and with the uprising. Certainly of all others, this is not a day to repudiate the bond between us and Africa. The destinies of America and Africa are undoubtedly and indissolubly united. Four millions of Africa's sable sons are now chained to the car of American liberty, and as we are borne along our splendid course, we dare not forget our dusky brethren, whose worn and weary bodies are dragged along the track, and whose beseeching eyes are turned to us for deliverance. The Providence which bound them to us, is no longer mysterious. Africa's race was to be apprenticed out to learn liberty and religion America was the best master and the best teacher to be found on the earth: the apprenticeship will cease at the appointed time, the lesson will then have been taught and learned; and thus British rapacity will be overruled by