Page:Africa's redemption.djvu/42

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condition of the entire slave population, it has gently, though efficiently, promoted the general spirit of emancipation in the South: it alone makes emancipation a blessing to either race: it is now a star of hope to all true and rational lovers of negro freedom: it has soothed sectional animosities: it has united the body of the great and good in all sections of the Union, and has powerfully tended to neutralize and overcome the disorganizing tendencies of abolitionism. More and better than all, it has allied itself in the closest harmony with Christianity in its present and most catholic form, or rather, I should say, it is permeated thoroughly with the pure essence of our divine religion. Politicians, preachers, and the people generally, forget their sectional and sectarian feelings and interests under the benign influences of colonization. Christianity rules, directs, and accompanies this movement in all its parts. It were enough to say that it has, within twenty-five years, reared a Christian Republic on a distant coast, in the midst of heathen darkness. Already has it accomplished good, and only good: it has accomplished all that it set out to accomplish thus far. Its future is bright, it is radiant with the most glorious promise. How far it is to go in the actual lifting off of the chains of the enslaved, cannot now be affirmed, but certainly all the indications tend only to it as the high-way for the exode of the liberated captives.

If you will allow me to try your patience yet farther, I shall indulge in a few general thoughts on the