Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 2.djvu/567

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Tintellust is surpassed in population by two other places in Air: to the southeast Tafidet, a group of three villages, one of which is the residence of a prince enjoying a high reputation for sanctity; and to the south-west Assodi, which is said to have been formerly a very large town, containing about a thousand houses and seven mosques, At present scarcely more than eighty of its houses are inhabited.

Fig. 202. — Air.

South of this place the caravan route passes the imposing Mount Tehereta, whose steep slopes terminate in a double cone. The route then skirts the west side of the lofty Doghem escarpments, beyond which it penetrates into the beautiful Auderas valley, probably the most southern place in Central Africa where the plough is used. Here Barth saw three slaves yoked to a plough and driven like