Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 3.djvu/310

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protecting fetish. Nevertheless, three-fourths of the inhabitants are said to be afflicted with goître.

The Afram, which joins the Volta above the gorges, flows through an almost uninhabited region. But on the waterparting between its basin and the sources of the Prah stands the picturesque city of Abetifi, capital of the kingdom chosen

Fig. 111, — Mouths of the Volta.

by the Basle missionaries as the centre of their stations. Nearly opposite the Afram confluence lies Peki, capital of a confederacy including several towns, such as the large Mohammedan markets of Kpando, Angvoé, Avatimé, the triple city of Anum, and over a hundred villages on the eastern watershed of the Volta basin. Farther down follow Akuamu, former ally of Ashanti, and like it noted for its