Page:Africa by Élisée Reclus, Volume 3.djvu/609

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of standing at too great an elevation above the stream, without the hoped-for advantage of a salubrious climate. Owing to the velocity of the current at this point, most of the vessels plying on the river are also obliged to stop a little farther down at Matadi, or the "Rock," on the opposite side. Below Matadi follow the

Fig. 258. — Port of Banana.

Scale 1 : 55,000.

little riverain ports of Fuka-Fuka, Nkala-Nkala, giving access to the missionary station of Underhill (Tunduwa), Wango-Wango, and Noki, a Portuguese village facing Nkongolo on the north side.;

Boma (M' Boma, Emboma), city of the "Great Snake," or of "Terror," and formerly the chief market for slaves in the whole Congo region, is a double town, and