Page:Agricultural Holdings Act.djvu/74

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38–9 Vict.]
Agricultural Holdings (Eng.)
[Ch. 92.
A.D. 1875.
Third Class.
Application to land of purchased artificial or other purchased manure. Consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs of cake or other feeding stuff not produced on the holding.

he shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of this Act, to obtain, on the determination of the tenancy, compensation in respect of the improvement.

Time in which improvement exhausted.6.—An improvement shall not in any case be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to continue unexhausted beyond the respective times following after the year of tenancy in which the outlay thereon is made:

Where the improvement is of the first class, the end of twenty years:

Where it is of the second class, the end of seven years:

Where it is of the third class, the end of two years:

Amount of Tenant's compensation in first class.7.—The amount of the tenant's compensation in respect of an improvement of the first class shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be the sum laid out by the tenant on the improvement, with a deduction of a proportionate part thereof for each year while the tenancy endures after the year of tenancy in which the outlay is made and while the improvement continues unexhausted; but so that where the landlord was not, at the time of the consent given to the execution of the improvement, absolute owner of the holding for his own benefit, the amount of the compensation shall not exceed a capital sum fairly represent-