Page:Agricultural Holdings Act.djvu/81

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Ch. 92.]
Agricultural Holdings (Eng.)
[38–9 Vict.
A.D. 1875.

of the parties, be exercised by the registrar of the court.

Mode of submission to reference.25.—The delivery to a referee of his appointment shall be deemed a submission to a reference by the party delivering it; and neither party shall have power to revoke a submission, or the appointment of a referee, without the consent of the other.

Power for referee, &c. to require production of documents, administer oaths, &c.26.—The referee or referees or umpire may call for the production of any sample, or voucher or other document, or other evidence which is in the possession or power of either party, or which either party can produce, and which to the referee or referees or umpire seems necessary for determination of the matters referred, and may take the examination of the parties and witnesses on oath, and may administer oaths and take affirmations; and if any person so sworn or affirming wilfully and corruptly gives false evidence he shall be guilty of perjury.

Power to proceed in absence.27.—The referee or referees or umpire may proceed in the absence of either party where the same appears to him or them expedient, after notice given to the parties.

Form of award.28.—The award shall be in writing, signed by the referee or referees or umpire.

Time for award of referee or referees.29.—A single referee shall make his award ready for delivery within twenty- eight days after his appointment.

Two referees shall make their award ready for delivery within twenty-eight days after the appointment of the last appointed of them, or within such extended time (if any) as they from time to time jointly fix by writing under their hands, so that they make their award ready for delivery within a time not exceeding in the whole