Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/169

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appears in Lat. Ceres, Eng. cereal, Gr. κόρος, satiety, Lit. szérti, feed. The meaning makes connection with Gr. κόρκορος, pimpernel, doubtful.

corcur, crimson, Ir. corcur, scarlet, O. Ir. corcur, purple, W. porphor; from Lat. purpura (Eng. purple).

còrd, a rope, Ir. corda; from Eng. cord, Lat. corda.

còrd, agree, Ir. cord; from obsolete Eng. cord, agree, bring to an agreement, from Lat. cord-, the stem of cor, heart, whence Eng. cordial, etc. The Sc. has the part. as cordyt, agreed.

cordaidhe, spasms (Sh.): "twistings", from còrd.

còrlach, bran, refuse of grain (M'D.; O'R has corlach), còrrlach, coarsly ground meal, over-plus. A compound of còrr, "what is over"?

còrn, a drinking horn, Ir., E. Ir. corn, W. corn, Br. korn, *korno-; Lat. cornu; Eng. horn; Gr. kéras, horn.

còrnuil, retching, violent coughing: *kors-no-? For kors, see carrasan.

coron, a crown, Ir., E. Ir. coróin, corón, W. coron; from Lat. corona (Eng. crown).

corp, a body, Ir., O. Ir. corp, W. corff, Br. korf; from Lat. corpus (Eng. corpse, Sc. corp).

corpag, tiptoe (Arm.); seemingly founded on corr of corrag.

corr, a crane, Ir., E. Ir. corr, W. crychydd, Cor. cherhit, O. Br. corcid, ardea, *korgsâ, korgjo-s; Gr. κέρχω, be hoarse, κερχνη, a hawk, O. Sl. kraguj, sparrow-hawk. Cf. W. cregyr, heron, "screamer", from cregu, be hoarse; Ag. S. hrágra, Ger. reiher, heron, Gr. κρίζω, κρίκε, screech.

còrr, excess, overplus, Ir. corr; G. corr, odd, Ir. cor, corr, odd; also Ir. corr, snout, corner, point, E. Ir. corr, rostrum, corner. The E. Ir. corr, rostrum, has been referred by Zimmer and Thurneysen to corr, crane - the name of "beaked" bird doing duty for "beak". The modern meanings of "excess, odd" (cf. odd of Eng., which really means "point, end") makes the comparison doubtful. Refer it rather to kors-, stick out, point, head; Gr. κόρση, head; stem keras-; Lat. crista, Eng. crest; further is Gr. κέρας, horn, Lat. cerebrum, Norse hjarsi, crown of the head; and also corn, horn, q.v. Hence corran, headland.

corra-biod, an attitude of readiness to start; from còrr, point, and biod = biog, start. corra-beaga (M'A.).

corrach, abrupt, steep, Ir., M. Ir. corrach, unsteady, wavering; "on a point", from corr, point, odd?

corra-chagailt, glow-worm-like figures from raked embers, Ir. corrchagailt; from còrr, a point, and cagailt.