Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/414

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stanna, a vat, tub, Ir. stanna, vat, barrel; from Eng. tun, ton, M. Eng. tonne. See tunna.

stannart, a standard, yard, limit; from the Eng. It also means "affected coyness".

staoig, a collop, steak, Ir. staoig, M. Ir. stáic; from Norse steik, Eng. steak (Stokes, K.Meyer).

staoin, pewter, tin; see stàn.

staoin, juniper, caoran staoin:

staoin, laziness:

staon, bent, awry, shallow (Hend.), Ir. staon:

staorum, bending of the body to a side; for staon-um.

stapag, a mixture of meal and cold water; from Sc. stappack (do.), stap, mix, hash, Norse stappa, bray in a mortar.

staplaich, loud noise, noise of the sea:

stapull, a bar, bolt, staple; see staipeal.

starach, cunning, deceitful (Suth.):

starachd, romping, blustering (M'A.):

starbhanach, a strong, robust fellow:

starcach, firm; from Norse starkr, strong, Eng., Ger. stark.

starr, shove, dash, starradh, pushing violently, dashing against, a failing or freak, snap-starradh, a stumbling-block, obstruction, a ball on the end of a spear; cf. starr-(shuileach).

starr-fhiacail, a tusk or gag-tooth, Ir. stairfhiacail; from starr and fiacail.

starr-shuileach, having the eyes distorted, stard, a moon-eye (M'A.); cf. Norse starblindr, blind with a cataract, O. H. G. starablind, Ger. starr, stiff, Eng. stare, "fixed" look, Sc. stare, stiff, starr, sedge, star, a speck on the eye.

stàt, pride, haughtiness, Ir. státamhuil, stately; from the Eng. state, M. Eng. stát, from Lat. status. Cf. stàideil, stàta.

stàta, the state or Government; from the Eng.

steach, a steach, (to) within, into, Ir. steach, a steach, M. Ir. is tech, E. Ir. isa tech: *in-san-tech, "into the house"; from teach. Cf. stigh.

steadhainn, firm, pointed or punctual in speech (M'A.); cf. Eng. steady.

steafag, a little staff or stick, Ir. steafóg; from Eng. staff.

steàirn, a blazing fire (Perth), "a drop in the e'e":

steall, spout, cause to spout, pour out, Ir. steallaim, squirt, sprinkle, steallaire, a tap; from Lat. stillo, I drop, Eng. distill.

stear, a pole to kill birds with (Carm.):

steàrnal, a bittern, sea-bird, an inn-keeper's sign:

stéidh, foundation; from Norse staeða, establish, Ork. steeth, foundation, steethe, to found.