Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/429

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tarsuinn, transverse, across, Ir. tarsna, tarsa, trasna, M. Ir., E. Ir. tarsnu, across; from tar, across (see thar), and sainn of ursainn, q.v.

tart, thirst, Ir., O. Ir. tart: *tar(s)to-; Eng. thurst, Ger. durst, Gr. τέρσομαι, become dry; Lat. torreo, burn, tostum (*torstum), Eng. toast; Skr. tarsh, thirst, Zd. taresh; I. E. ters, dry.

tartan, tartan; from Eng., Sc. tartan, from Fr. tiretain, linsie-wolsie.

tartar, noise; reduplication of root tar, tor in tòirneanach.

tàsan, tedious discourse or scolding, Ir. tasanach, tedious, slow (Lh. marks it obsolete and queries meaning):

tasdan, a shilling; from Sc. testan, testoon, a silver coin of the 16th century with Mary's head (teste) on it, the "inglis testane" being worth 8 shillings Scots, Eng. tester, worth 6d; originally so called from the coins of Louse XII. (1500) with his head (teste, Fr. tête, head) on them.

tasgaidh, depository, a treasure: "A thasgaidh" - Thou treasure; see taisg.

tataidh, attract, attach one to oneself, tadadh (inf.), taiteadh (Perth), tame: *tad-dam, root dam of aidich.

tàth, cement, join (M'F., Lh.), Ir. táthaim, táth, solder or glue, W. todi, construc, join: *táto-, *stâto-, constitute, root sta, stand?

tathaich, visit, frequent, tendency to vomit (Hend.), Ir. tathuighim, M. Ir. aithigim; formed form the prep. aith, back, rather than a compound of tiagaim as in imthich, our imich (that is, *ati-tig-, go back again). Stokes prefers root at, go, formerly discussed under tànaiste.

tathunn, barking; see tabhunn.

, a woman, femal, she, Ir. an tí, she who, an té, he who (O'Donovan says either means "he or she who" or "person who"), O. Ir. intí is(qui), indí ea(quae), aní id(quod): the article and the enclitic particle , for which see , and cf. , he who.

, tèa, insipid, slightly fermented; from root of teas; cf. tepid.

teabaid, a taunt, repartee (Dial.), teab, a flippant person's mout (M'A.), teibidh, smart: "cutting", E. Ir. tepe (to-aith-be, Stokes), a cutting, O. Ir. taipe, concisio, brevitas: *tad-be (= to-ad-be), reduced root be, cut, imdibe, circumcisio, etc., root bi, bin, as in bean, touch, q.v.

teach, a house, Ir. teach, O. Ir. tech, teg, g. tige, W. ty, Cor. ti, O. Br. teg, tig, ti, now ti: *tegos, g. teges-os; Gr. τέγος, roof, στέγω, cover; Lat. tego, cover, tectum, house; Eng. thatch,