Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/110

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i-wa′-hut—from i-wa, to hand over or pass on to the one next; and ta-ra-we-hut, the circle above in the heavens; the word means handed or passed around the circle.

Hi-ri—reverent exclamation.

ti′-ru-ta—abodes of the gods.

Hi-ri— reverent attention asked for.


ti-ra-ra-wa′-hut—circle in the heavens.

ti-ri—up above.

7 Hi-ri— harken.

ri-ru′-tzi-ra-ru—because of.

si′-ra—they took.

wa′-ku— they said.

ra-ri′-sut—gave consent; granted.

Hi-ri—call for reverent attention.

ti′-ru-ta—abodes of the lesser gods.

Hi-ri—reverent attention.

Ti-ra′-wa—the supreme god.

Ha—exclamation of awe.

ti-ri—above all.

8 Hi-ri—harken.

ri-ru′-tzi-ra-ru—by means of.

Ra-ra-ri′-tu—an old term for Winds; it also means heavy storm-clouds. Ra-ri′-tu, a cyclone. The word in the text has a double significance; it stands for Winds, and for the summoning by the Winds of the storm-clouds.

ka′-ta—rising up, climbing up.

wi′-tix-sut-ta—reached there.

Ra-ki′-ris—plural form, Thunders.

ia-ka'-ia — ascending, advancing upward.

wt '-tix-sut-ta — reached a given place.

Ra-ki'-ris — Thunders.

ta-ru-koox -pa — an action concluded.

ra-ru'-tu-ra — from ra-ru, at that ; and tu-ra, ground ; the word means that at the conclusion of the action (here understood) they descended to the earth.

tu-kd-wi-ut — slantwise.

ta-ri — the end of a mission or of an action.

9 Hi-ri — harken.

ri-ru '-tzi-ra-ru — by means of, or by the agency of.

ru-ri — at that time.

Pa-pa-pi -thus — Lightning ; pa-pa, zigzag ; pi'-chus, darting, flashing.

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