Page:American Jobs Act (Reid).djvu/4

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Subtitle G—Project Rebuild

Sec. 261. Project Rebuild.

Subtitle H—National Wireless Initiative

Sec. 271. Definitions.

PART I—Auctions of Spectrum and Spectrum Management

Sec. 272. Clarification of authorities to repurpose Federal spectrum for commercial purposes.

Sec. 273. Incentive auction authority.

Sec. 274. Requirements when repurposing certain mobile satellite services spectrum for terrestrial broadband use.

Sec. 275. Permanent extension of auction authority.

Sec. 276. Authority to auction licenses for domestic satellite services.

Sec. 277. Directed auction of certain spectrum.

Sec. 278. Authority to establish spectrum license user fees.

PART II—Public Safety Broadband Network

Sec. 281. Reallocation of D block for public safety.

Sec. 282. Flexible use of narrowband spectrum.

Sec. 283. Single public safety wireless network licensee.

Sec. 284. Establishment of Public Safety Broadband Corporation.

Sec. 285. Board of directors of the corporation.

Sec. 286. Officers, employees, and committees of the corporation.

Sec. 287. Nonprofit and nonpolitical nature of the corporation.

Sec. 288. Powers, duties, and responsibilities of the corporation.

Sec. 289. Initial funding for corporation.

Sec. 290. Permanent self funding; duty to assess and collect fees for network use.

Sec. 291. Audit and report.

Sec. 292. Annual report to Congress.

Sec. 293. Provision of technical assistance.

Sec. 294. State and local implementation.

Sec. 295. State and Local Implementation Fund.

Sec. 296. Public safety wireless communications research and development.

Sec. 297. Public Safety Trust Fund.

Sec. 298. FCC report on efficient use of public safety spectrum.

Sec. 299. Public safety roaming and priority access.


Subtitle A—Supporting Unemployed Workers

Sec. 301. Short title.

PART I—Extension of Emergency Unemployment Compensation and Certain Extended Benefits Provisions, and Establishment of Self-Employment Assistance Program

Sec. 311. Extension of emergency unemployment compensation program.

Sec. 312. Temporary extension of extended benefit provisions.

Sec. 313. Reemployment services and reemployment and eligibility assessment activities.