Page:Americans and others.djvu/43

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The Mission of Humour

"Laughter is my object: 'tis a property
In man, essential to his reason."

Thomas Randolph, The Muses' Looking-Glass.

AMERICAN humour is the pride of American hearts. It is held to be our splendid national characteristic, which we flaunt in the faces of other nations, conceiving them to have been less favoured by Providence. Just as the most effective way to disparage an author or an acquaintance—and we have often occasion to disparage both—is to say that he lacks a sense of humour, so the most effective criticism we can pass upon a nation is to deny it this valuable quality. American critics have written the most charming things about the keenness of American speech, the breadth and insight of American drollery, the electric current in American veins; and