Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/295

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��Bulun — daal arc, them two. Bulun liinbirug — from (apart

from) them two. Buluu-kinbirng-ko — from tliom

tv.'o, as an agent. Buhvara — liigli, lofty. Buhvara ka — at the height ; on

liigh ; noon ; high noon. Biilwarai tin— on account of the

height ; on high. Bum — for its sound cf^\ Bum — is sounded as Eiuj. ' boom. ' Bumbea — Avas and is married. Bumbea-ka — is in the married

state. Bumbillala — did marry at some

definite time past. Bumbillan — do or does marry. Biimbilli-ka — was in the act of

marrying at some indefinite

time past. Bdmbilliko — to marry ; to take

a wife ; to kiss I'cciprocally. Bumbinim — fv^t-, will marry. Bumbuggulliko — to take a kiss

by force. Bumbuggulliko — to cause to be

loose ; to open a door. Bumbuggulli-to — the kiss given,

as agent ; with or by a kiss. Bum-bum — kisses ; kissing. Bdml)um-ka — -was kissed. B'.'unbiim kakilliko— to be in a

state of kissing ; to kiss. Biimbum-ka-pa — did not kiss. Biimbum-kulliela — did continue

to kiss. Bumbum-kullielliko — to con- tinue to kiss, Bummilleim — found ; did find. Bummilliko — to find. Bun — is sounded as^5?y. 'boon.' Bun — for its sound c/."'^. Biin — jMrmissive, let ; permit. Biinba — smitten ; smote. Bunbea — did permit ; did let. Bunbilla — imj?., permit ; let.

��Biinbilliko — to permit ; to let.

Bunljin — -pres., permits.

Bunbinun— ;/'!■«/., will permit.

Bdn-bi-uwil — ojjt., wish to let.

Biin-bi-uwil koa — siibj., in order to ] )er m i t ; that . . . might let.

Biinkilligel — the place of smiting ; the threshing floor ; the pugilistic ring ; the field of ])attle.

Bunkilli-kan — one who smites.

Bunkilli-kan tin— from (on ac- count of) him who smites.

Bunkilliko — to smite or strike ; to make a blow ; c/.*.

Biinkilli kolag — towards smiting ; abo'.it to smite.

Bunkilliko tetti — to smite dead ; to kill with a blow.

Biinkilli tin — from (on account of) the smiting.

Bunkiye tetti wirriye — one who habitually smites to death ; one who kills with blows ; a murderer.

Biinki yikora — proh., smite not ; strike not ; must not strike.

Bunkulla — smote ; did beat.

Bunnim wal — shall smite ; will certainly smite.

Bunnun-wal-lja — when . . .should smite; if... should smite.

Buntan — pr-es., strikes.

Buntimai — a messenger; an am- bassador ; a herald ; h=^i>.

Biintoara — that Avliich is smit- ten or struck.

Burrilliko — to do a thing spoken of by some violent instrumen- tal means ; cf. tetti-burrilliko.

Burroug — a dove.

Burugbuggii — did set at liberty; unloosed, released, unbound.

Burugbuggan — does set at liber- ty (release, unbind).

Burugbugganim — will set loose.

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