Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/418

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��Marrar — a tarantula spider.

Marrawir — to go to the bush ■«-ithout wives.

Marraj'agal — very old.

Marria — a relation by marriage.

IMarrin — the body. [rect.

Marrombnl — good, right, cor-

Marrommanna — to be bright.

Marrominarra — to do, to create, to make.

Marruanna — to make, to form.

Marunbunmirra — to be kind to, to love.

Mawambul — all met together.

jMawang — altogether.

IMavi'arrar — a pod of grass seed.

Mayal — some kind of weeds.

Mayol — a wild blackfellow.

Memmang — very short ; a short fellow.

Menar — very hot.

Mennu — lice.

Merri— a native dog.

Merribinga — to be very greedy.

Merrimboraiuga — very angry.

Merrimerrimal — a kind of grass- hopper.

Merrin — angry.

Merringan — dog-like, thievish, wicked.

Merringin-gin — a bellyful.

Mian — one that provides and cares for another.

Miadyambarra — to look sharp.

Mibar — a butterfly when in its cocoon.

Middang— alone, one, single.

Midyur — sharp, pointed.

Migganma— an arch, a bow.

Migganmiggan — edge, corner.

Migge — lightning.

Miggc — a marriageable young woman.

INIiggemana — to flash, to lighten.

Mil — the eye.

Milbang — snot from the nose.

Milbarra — to beat softly and re- gularly, like a watch.

��Milbi — a hole ; a well. Milbomgarra — to stare, wonder,

be astonished ; also milbom-

manna. Milbuun — dimness of the eyes. Mildong — a handle, as of the

'marga,' q.v. Milgain — openly ; face to face. Milge — large drops of rain. Milgurai — a dim sight. Millalmillal — awake ; wakeful. Millang — the hip. Millangul — very near. Milliingun — sidewards. Milwarranna — to open the eyes. Millawelang — a native shrub. Millumarra — to wink. Mimarra — to pull, to pull from

or back, to hold fast. Miubanna — to beg, to pray. Mindyambinga — to stretch. Mindyarra — to be fast ; fixed. Mindyui — a needle ; ef. bingal. Mingan — the eldest sister. Minganna — to prop, as a pillar. Mingarra — to be wrong, mis- taken. Minngar — an edible root. Minni — a sister. Minyambal — something. Minyambung — a bad dream. Minyang — what ? Minyagga — what is it ? = I know

not what (as a reply) . Minyangan — how many ? Mirga — the woman's shield. Mirganna — to protect Avith the

' mirga,' as the women do. Mirilmiril— nostrils. Mirol — pipeclay. Mirra — the left hand. Mirra — left ; s., the left arm. Mirral-birra — to be afraid ; s.,

apprehension. Mirrhal — greedy. Mirrimbulbul— -dejected, dull. Mirrimirringarra — to be very


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